Thank goodness for Kenko Hoken (Japanese National Health Insurance)

I am interrupting this season’s blogging theme to mention that I made my way into Tomisato City to visit the hospital. As I mentioned to the famichiki crowd last year, I suddenly get dizzy. It’s happening more and more. And I think it’s due to minor exhaustion–too much go, go, go as the tax season ramps up. But anyway, it was time to find out.

After not being able to get a clinic appointment at three different clinics around Narita Town, today I went to the local hospital. The thing I wanted was a blood test–and I got one!

Hopefully, I passed the test.

I’m thankful to have the hoken, and always have had it while resident in Japan. In earlier blogging years, I have strongly advocated for it. One internet troll even committed a crime against me in Shibuya Ward, calling the ward office to find out if I was, in fact, enrolled in the insurance and if there was any balance due.

When people pretend to be me and call places, I follow up, and I file the police report. Shame it would be, if the Japanese ever decided to prosecute foreigner crime (not just Johnny Somali!), if there was a whole trail of this kind of sh*t that could be traced back to one or a handful of individuals . . .

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