NY Governor Cuomo snubbed progressive rival Zephyr Teachout last weekend. Probably cost him 10-15% tonight.

[Update 9/11/14: A few people I’ve shared the video with say it isn’t exactly clear which of the plain clothes supporters/security is blocking Zephyr Teachout from coming up to Cuomo. Let me make it clear here:

cuomo insults teachout.bmp-001


Governor Andrew Cuomo up in New York won the Democratic nomination this evening to be the party’s candidate for his re-election drive in November. This was no surprise, but what is surprising is that Zephyr Teachout, the Fordham law professor who challenged Cuomo from the side of progress or the left, garnered almost 35% of the vote (with about 92% in).

A lot had to do with an incident at the Labor Day parade where Governor Cuomo literally snubbed the gracious Professor Teachout. What a boor! You’re the governor of state, way ahead in the polls (or maybe not as ahead as you’d like, but still ahead!), in a party that is trying to emphasize in a Congressional, so-called “Midterm” election that the party knows how to treat women. And what do you do?

What a shame. I still have respect for Cuomo, but this kind of thing was unnecessary and hurtful.

Watch if you like, here: http://www.newyorktrue.com/labor-day-parade-2014/

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